
Here you will find the latest information about the work of the project and its publications.

  • Dapde Dark Pattern Highlighter released on GitHub

    The Dapde Dark Pattern Highlighter Extension source code is now publicly available on GitHub as open-source software!

  • Video Teaser: Dapde Dark Pattern Highlighter

    Not long now, and our prototype for the Dark Pattern Highlighter is available for download on GitHub!

  • Recording Panel available

    Discussion between Research and Policy: "Spotlight on Dark Patterns: What can the ePrivacy Regulation do?" on the regulation of dark patterns in the new EU reg…

  • Panel: Dark Patterns and the upcoming ePrivacy Regulation

    “Spotlight on Dark Patterns: What can the ePrivacy Regulation do?”

  • "Dark Patterns - Phenomenology und Legal Answers"

    New Publication: Martini/Drews/Seeliger/Weinzierl

  • Dark Pattern Lunch Talks

    Digital Event Series „Dark Pattern Lunch Talks“ – Influencing and Manipulation on the Internet

  • Speyer Digital Forum

    Speyer Digital Forum: Quirin Weinzierl spoke on Dark Patterns